Jarobi Sellton



People say that I’m fun, nerdy, and old! I’m Australian-born but my nationalities are PNG, Chinese, Mexican, Russian, Polish and Jewish. I’m a black/white/asian/jew! These days play a little bit of pc games, not as much as I used to, and play lots of magic the gathering.

Fun Fact About Me

I was the first coach at CRANK.

My Greatest Achievement

I’ve been ranked # League of Legends Champion in OCE and have been #1 on World of Warcraft in multiple seasons. But my proudest moment was beating one of the best WoW players of all time in his prime. He dominated the game and went 168 wins and 4 losses in one season. I was one of those 4 losses.

Games I love


Games I love

  • Dungeons and Dragons
  • Final Fantasy XIV (14)
  • Fortnite
  • Magic: The Gathering
  • Overwatch
  • Valorant
  • Warhammer

Areas I coach in


Areas I coach in

  • eSports
  • Social gaming

Things I love helping CREW develop


Crank Coach

Things I love helping CREW develop

  • Gameplay skills
  • Independence skills
  • Social participation skills
  • Work & study skills